Generate Embed JWT
This endpoint generates a JWT (JSON Web Token) with the provided customer id and embed id encoded in it. This token expires at the provided time, default is 24 hours after creation.
This is the id you’ve provided Explo for the customer you’d like to encode in this JWT.
This is the id of the dashboard or report builder you’re embedding.
This is the id of the key you’d like to use to encrypt your JWT. This ID can be taken from the
Data Visibility Groups
section of the settings page. If no key id is provided, Explo will
generate one.
This is the date time that you want your JWT to expire at, in ISO08601 duration format. If not provided, this will be set to 24 hours after creation.
If embedding a single chart, provide the id of the chart here. This feature must be enabled by Explo.
Controls what functionality end users can access in report builders. If null
or ["*"]
, all functionality will be allowed. Learn more about configuring read-only report builders here.
The JWT you requested. You can use this immediately in your embed.