The customer token (customerToken or CUSTOMER_TOKEN) that will be used to
identify which customer is viewing the dashboard. You should save this on your
end to use when rendering an embedded dashboard by passing this token into the
web component or iframe. Example usage
The ID you use to identify this customer in your database that you provided.
This is also the ID you will use to reference your customer in Explo queries
or access your customer via the API. For more information on example usage,
check out this section.
True if this customer is a demo customer, which means that data panels will
include a demo watermark for the customer. Demo customers do not count towards
paid customers.
A set of key-value pairs assigned to this customer. These will be accessible
through variables in the dashboards and SQL editor. More information on
properties can be found in this
A set of key-values pairs that map a schema id to the data source that this
customer loads data from. For more information on schemas and data sources,
check out this section.
A schema datasource mapping object based on the
parent_schema_datasource_mapping of the customer and any inherited
parent_schema_datasource_mapping from parent customers.