To create a new data panel, simply drag and drop the Data Panel V2 component onto the canvas. Once selected, you will see a Data Tab and a Format Tab.

Data Tab

The data tab is used to configure the visualization type and aggregations shown on the data panel. Choose between the different visualizations we offer below, select which fields to display, and set any data filters.

Shared Data Tab Options Across Chart Types

The following are shared section across most charts. For a full list of data options for a specific chart, navigate to the page for that chart type.

Chart Type

This section contains the variations of each chart type, and from here, you can change the chart type of the current chart that is being edited. For example, if in the dashboard edit mode you pull a bar chart onto the dashboard, this section of the data tab will allow you to select a specific type of bar chart, grouped, horizontal, etc.

When swapping between chart types, if the data configuration is compatible with the new chart type, the data configuration will be transfered. Otherwise, it will be cleared, and the chart will need to be built again from scratch.

For tables (data, pivot, and collapsible list), it is not possible to switch chart types, so this section will not appear on the data tab.


This section allows for filtering a single chart. In this section, you select a column from the dataset that you would like to filter the chart on, as well as an operator and a value to compare against the column.

The operator type will depend on the type of selected column, e.g. numerical column will allow operators such as >, <, etc. The value section can be a manual input, such as a hardcoded string or number, or it can take in a variable input, such as a field from a dropdown on the dashboard.

The variable input option will only be enabled if there is a UI element on the dashboard that has a compatible type.

Format Tab

The format tab allows you to set specific formatting parameters for your visualization including labels, legends, axis settings, colors, and more. Note that the format tab will be different depending on the visualization that you choose.

For tables and maps, you will still need to use the V1 Data Panel component. We are currently in the process of migrating those over to the new V2 interface.

Shared Format Tab Options Across Chart Types

The following are shared sections across most charts. For a full list of formatting options for a specific chart, navigate to the page for that chart type.

  • Title: This is the text that will appear at the top of the chart.
  • Tooltip: This tooltip will appear to the right of the title. It can be used to add a description to the chart.

Enable Download

You can choose to enable downloading for all charts, except KPIs. The toggle at the right of this section header is used to control this.

  • Download file name: The name of the file that is downloaded can be configured in this section. The default name is the name of the data panel.


  • Color Palette: The color palette for a specific chart can be specified with this section here. You can select a palette from the list of pre-populated palettes, as well as edit these palettes or create new palettes from scratch.

No Data Configuration

This is the text that will appear in a panel if there is no data returned for a specific chart. This section will allow you to configure what the panel looks like in this state.

  • Hide Chart Icon: This toggle can be used to show or hide the chart icon on the empty panel.
  • No Data Text: This is the text that will appear on a panel that has no data. The default is “No Data”.
  • Text Size: This section will allow you to specify the text size of the No Data Text.

This section, if toggled on, will display a button at the top right corner of the chart that links to another url.

  • URL: This is the external url that the chart will navigate to. This link must be prefaced with https://.
  • Open in New Tab: This toggle will determine if the link that is opened when the button is clicked opens in the same tab or in a new tab.


Once created, the new data panels have additional interactions that allow your customers to explore their data.

  • Select which categories to display by clicking on the legend

  • Zoom in and out of time series charts by selecting sections of the chart

  • Hover over charts to view additional data

Charts and Visualizations

Standard Charts

Explo offers a number of charts including bar charts, line charts, pie, and area charts. Toggle between chart types to discover the best way to display your data.

Configure the data

  1. Drag fields into the y and x-axis sections. These are the fields that you choose to group and aggregate the data by. Once dragged in, you will be able to select the calculation or grouping type.

  2. (Optional) Add another field to the color section. This will further group your data by breaking your aggregation down by color.

  3. (Optional) Add filters to your chart to exclude certain data.

Format your chart

Select the format tab to begin formatting your chart. Configurability depends on the chart type you selected. A few areas you can configure include:

  • Titles and labels

  • Text and number formats

  • Legends

  • Colors

KPI Panel

KPI panels allow you to show single metrics to your user. Add an optional trend calculation to highlight an insight over time

Configure the data

  1. Drag the field you want to display into the Aggregation section. Select any calculation to perform if necessary.

  2. (Optional) Drag a date or time field into the Trend section to calculate a trend over a certain time period. This is great for showing insights such as monthly growth.

  3. (Optional) Add filters to your chart to exclude certain data.

Format your chart

Select the format tab to begin formatting your KPI panel. A few areas you can configure include:

  • Titles and labels

  • Text and number formats

Pivot Table

Pivot tables allow you to aggregate and transform your data into entirely new table visualization. Select the rows, columns, and aggregation for your table, and Explo will handle the rest.

Explo pivot tables are dynamic, so as opposed to transposing tables with hardcoded SQL, the tables will pull in the correct rows and columns based on the data.

Configure the data

  1. Drag the fields you want to use to compute the columns and row groupings into the Columns and Rows sections.

  2. Drag the field you want to use as your cell value into the Pivot Value section, select the correct aggregation.

  3. (Optional) Add filters to your chart as if it were any other Explo visualization.

You can also select another table entirely to generate the column names for your table. Select “Join with another dataset” and choose a dataset and column to configure this behavior.

Format your table

Pivot tables have all the same format options you’d expect from the standard data table. Pivot tables also allow you to display and style a “Sum Row,” which will compute the sums of each column in your pivot table and display that data in the top row.

Downloading data and filtering are also supported on pivot tables.