Data Configuration

Chart Type

You can read about this section here.

Date Column

This section is to configure the date field.


This section is for the field you wish to aggregate the calendar heat map on.


This section is for filtering the chart based on certain columns. You can read about chart filtering here.


Read about the Header section here.


Read about the Y Axis section here. Only a subset of the options apply to the calendar heat map.

Enable Download

Read about the Enable Download section here.

Heat Map Options

  • Show Chart Values: If toggled on, the value at each square will be displayed on the square in the heat map.
  • Hide Zeros: If toggled on, squares that have 0 as a value will not have a number displayed in the square.


-Gradient Type: This section allows you to choose between a linear or diverging color palette for the heap map. -Colors: You may choose either 2 (linear) or 3 (diverging) colors, as well as the value thresholds for each color. Column min/mid/max will pull the minimum, average, and maxiumum values as thresholds for those colors, whereas exact values will just use the hardcoded values.


Read about the Legend section here.

Read about the URL Link section here

Expose Underlying Data

Read about the Expose Underlying Data section here.