Supported Charts

  • Area Charts
  • Bar Charts
  • Box Plots
  • Bar Funnel Charts
  • Heat Maps
  • Line Charts
  • Scatter Plots
  • Spider Charts

Configuring the X Axis

Axis Title

This text will go on the left of the y Axis (or to the right if the Y axis is flipped)

Value Format

This specifies the formatting of the numbers on the y axis either as numbers, dollar amounts, or percentages.

Show Axis Decimals

This specifies the number of decimal places displayed on the y Axis values.

Use Logarithmic Scale

This specifies if the scale for the y axis should be linear, or logarithmic. By default, this is turned off, and the scale used is linear.

Minimum Value

This specifies the minimum value for the y axis, or the value at the bottom of the axis.

Maximum Value

This specifies the maximum value for the y axis, or the value at the top of the axis.

Axis Labels

This specifies if y axis values are present. By default, this is turned on.

Grid Lines

This specifies if the horizontal grid lines behind the chart are present. By default, this is turned on.

Reverse Axis

This allows you to flip the direction of the y axis, with zero at the top and the biggest number at the bottom.