Editable Dashboard Sections FAQ

Q: What charts do my customers see?

A: If no edits were made by the customer to the editable section, then the default layout will be shown. Note that the charts in the default layout that they will see are ones that they are permissioned to see (there is an Visible to all customers toggle) and that you choose to Add to default layout. If the customer makes changes to the editable section, then they have deviated from the default layout and will only see the specific view they have now created.

Q: What happens if I delete a chart from the editable dashboard section and my user might have deviated from the default layout and uses it?

A: The deleted chart will still take up the designated space on the editable dashboard section, but it will have an error saying that The chart is no longer available. You can preview editable dashboard sections to see if there are any impacted customers — check out how to preview an editable dashboard section here.

Please reach out to Explo support if you need help resetting a customers’ editable dashboard section.

Q: How are the dashboard edits saved?

A: The dashboards are saved to the customer in Explo. For enabling editable dashboard sections, we would recommend utilizing the Explo hierarchy. In this model, you will continue to have your existing customers, but can now add sub customers (typically users) that can inherit the property of their parent. In this way, Explo will automatically save dashboard sections at the user level.