Customer objects can be referenced as a variable in:

  • Dataset queries
  • Text components
  • Chart titles
  • Goal lines
  • Progress goal totals

All controls create variables when they are dragged onto the dashboard.

Filter variable To use dashboard elements, simply reference the component ID. For instance, in the example above the component ID is filter_1.

Date Range Picker
The date range picker creates two variables, one for the start date and another for the end date. Both will be shown on the variables tab in the debugger panel. Assuming, in this example, the component ID for the date range picker is date_range_picker these are the two variables created:

  • date_range_picker.startDate
  • date_range_picker.endDate

Default values
These variables get set when your users interact with the element and select a value. When configuring the component, you will also have the option to set default values so that the dashboard loads preselected with certain options.