KPI Value
Supported charts
- KPI Progress
- KPI Trend
- KPI Trend Text Panel
This specifies the format of the KPI value. The options are: number, number with significant digits, dollar, percentage, and time (days, hours, etc).
Smart Number Abbreviation
This specifies if the KPI value should be abbreviated using smart number abbreviation. It truncates to 2 decimal places thousands (k), millions (M), billions (B), and trillions (T). This toggle is turned off and disabled automatically when selecting the abbreviation option from the Format toggles.
Decimal Places
This specifies the number of decimal places on the KPI value.
Significant Digits
This specifies the number of significant digits that should be used, in the case that the format is Abbr
Time Format
Specifies the time format for KPI values. Options:
- Standard: Formats as
DD days HH:mm:ss
(see date format options) - Abbreviated: Shows largest nonzero value of days, hours, minutes, or seconds.
- Custom Time Format: Formats using your custom format (see date format options).
- Custom Total Duration: Treats input as a Duration and uses your custom format (see duration format options). To add additional text, wrap it in single quotes, e.g.,
dd 'days' hh 'hours'
This specifies a numerical multiplier for the KPI value.
This specifies a unit for the KPI value, e.g. hours, people, etc.
Include Unit Padding
This specifies if there is space between the KPI value and the unit. For something like g
for grams, this should be toggled off. But for something like hours
, it may make sense to have padding.
Text Format
This specifies if additional formatting should be applied to the KPI value, either bold or italics.
Image to Display Next to Value (only for KPI/KPI Progress)
An image can be displayed next to the KPI value by inputting an image URL in this section.
Value Alignment (only for KPI Trend Text Panel)
This specifies the horizontal alignment of the KPI Trend value when trend lines are hidden.